Heanton Nursing Home Wins Italian-Themed ‘Armchair Day Out’ after being chosen as ‘Care Home of the Day’ by Creed Food Services during an off-site training day at Nisbets in Bristol for their fantastic culinary skills.

The reward for the team at the Barnstaple Care Home was an Italian-themed celebration held at the care home featuring Italian cuisine, themed decorations, and the joyful company of residents (referred to as family members), their friends, and families.

Following a vibrant mocktail party the day before, the family members were in for another treat — this time with an Italian twist, filled with the colours red, white, and green! The team created an unforgettable day starting with transforming the lounge with vibrant honeycombed balls, flags, and table settings, before inviting families to join in the festivities. There was something for everyone, from dancing and postcard writing to playing a variety of instruments — all leading up to the main event of pizza and ice cream, giving the chefs a well-deserved break.

Tracy Grant, Group Catering Lead for Evolve Care Group whom Heanton are a part of, praised the team’s efforts; “Katie, John, Gerry and Danielle were brilliant at the catering training. They are a credit to their home, and I hope they got as much out of the day as I did!”

Rated OUTSTANDING by the CQC, the Barnstaple Care Home is committed to supporting its family members on their unique and complex journeys, honouring their individual values, beliefs, and identities. Heanton Nursing Home winning an Italian-Themed ‘Armchair Day Out’ is a wonderful example of this commitment to enriching the lives of those in their care.

To find out more about Heanton Nursing Home please visit: https://www.heantonnursinghome.com/